TPR Standards Ensuring Integrity and Impact in Climate Action

The standards are the foundation of the commitment to impactful climate action at The Planet Reserve (TPR). A comprehensive framework has been developed, combining scientific rigor with transparency and stakeholder engagement, to ensure the credibility and effectiveness of projects.


Stakeholder Engagement and Community Benefits

The essential role of local communities and stakeholders in the success of climate projects is recognized. Standards mandate full and effective participation, ensuring projects deliver tangible benefits to communities and biodiversity alongside climate action.

Transparent Registry System

The registry system provides a transparent platform where all project information is publicly accessible, tracking the generation, issuance, and retirement of credits to ensure a clear and accountable record of each project's impact.

Introducing the ULMA Approach

Central to our standards is the Unified Land Management Approach (ULMA), a unique framework that emphasizes region-specific strategies tailored to the environmental and socio-economic contexts of each project location. ULMA ensures that while there's a singular core goal focused on emission reduction, the framework also encompasses a range of 14 sectoral scopes sub-activities aimed at sequestering additional emissions. This dual focus allows for a comprehensive impact, tackling both the sources and consequences of emissions directly within the project's environment.


Rigorous Scientific Methodology

Methodologies are crafted with precision, incorporating peer-reviewed procedures to accurately quantify GHG benefits. Specific methodologies are tailored to different project types, ensuring precise and reliable quantification of emission reductions and removals.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Innovation and the continuous enhancement of carbon credit projects are key commitments. By developing new methodologies and financing mechanisms, ambitious climate results are driven.

Global Reach, Local Impact

The Planet Reserve’s projects have a global reach but are deeply rooted in local contexts, designed to address specific regional climate challenges, contributing to global climate goals while fostering local environmental health and community well-being.

For more detailed information on the standards and project development process, please review the TPR Standards document.