TPR Methodologies

Detailed Framework for Nature-Based Climate Action

The Planet Reserve offers a robust portfolio of methodologies designed to optimize carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas reduction across diverse ecosystems. These methodologies are developed to support sustainable climate action initiatives, including afforestation, reforestation, improved forest management, REDD+ activities, and wetland restoration.

Each methodology incorporates comprehensive elements such as scope, applicability, baseline settings, additionality assessments, and net climate benefits, ensuring that every project aligns with TPR's high standards of environmental integrity and socio-economic benefit.

Comprehensive Elements
of Our Methodologies

Scope and Applicability

Each methodology defines the types of projects and geographical areas it covers, ensuring relevance and effectiveness across various ecosystems and project scales.


Baseline and Additionality

Baselines are rigorously established to represent the scenario that would occur in the absence of the project. Additionality is thoroughly assessed to ensure that the carbon reductions or sequestrations are a direct result of the project and would not have occurred otherwise.


Net Climate Benefits

All methodologies aim to maximize the positive impacts on the climate, quantifying net gains in GHG reductions and ensuring that these benefits are sustained over time.


Safeguards and Leakages

Appropriate safeguards are implemented to protect local communities and biodiversity. Methodologies also include measures to account for and minimize leakages—unintended emissions outside project boundaries.


Monitoring Parameters

Rigorous monitoring frameworks are integral to our methodologies, involving detailed parameters that ensure ongoing compliance and impact assessment.


Disclaimer and Methodology Approval Process

Approved methodologies, modules, and tools can be utilized by projects registered on TPR that meet the specified applicability conditions of the TPR standard. If existing methodologies are not suitable for certain project areas or interventions, new methodologies, modules, and tools can be submitted for approval. The process involves submitting a Concept Note, which, upon approval, allows the methodologies to be reviewed by TPR's Technical committee and an approved Validation and Verification Body (VVB).

For a detailed understanding of the nature-based project methodologies, please review the following documents